Friday, October 14, 2016

A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess


Look i've been having a couple of boring weeks so i'v read a lot. but i'm also trying to take November off of drinking so going to do a couple posts tonight.

A Shadow Bright and Burning By Jessica Cluess

What I drank prior: A whole bottle of wine with no dinner. If you've ever drank without eating you know the state i'm in.

Spoiler-free Overview: So, there's this girl who's a teacher. She has this power that she's afraid of having because women don't have this power. She's gonna try and hide (life she's done for her whole life) but her bestest friend ever is in danger so she uses her powers in front of someone important. Instead of exeuting her, she is praised for being the first woman in a gazillion years to have this power. Adventures happen.

Spoiler-free thoughts: you guys i loved this, so much.

Plot: So you know how typical YA has this whole trope-y thing? Love triangles, chosen one, etc.? This woman knows how to throw tropes on their head. Also, it was super well paced. Like, as soon as i felt the i-want-something-to-happen itch, i was satisfied. Well done.

Characters: Dude. OK, let me start by saying the main character (a woman) is so well developed i could cry. HOWEVER, what i find more impressive is how much i loved the secondary characters. Each have their own secrets. each have their own backstory and i love all of them. literally there isn't one that i don't love.

Writing Style: It's beautiful but sometimes hard to follow. That's my only thought.

Spoiler Thoughts:  Just going to trigger you for sexual assault

What to pair it with: Chambord. Because it gets you drunk but it tastes weird and you're still going to enjoy it.

Rating: 5/5 shots for sure. Loved it so much.

Until next time, i remain drunkenly yours,


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