Monday, September 26, 2016

The Devil You Know

The Devil You Know
by Mike Carey

So, starting out: I read the first two books of the Dresden Files which follows a similar formula.  There's a guy who deals with supernatural stuff.  My problem is that the Dresden Files made it seem like everything was truly insurmountable, and at some point I got tired of the main character beign basically at deaths door.  This book didn't make every matter a life or death circumstance, though plenty were, which I enjoyed.  But for writing for this, I had a few Oktoberfest beers.  Woohooo it's Oktoberfest (which is celebrated in September even thought it's freakin Oktoberfest.... sure).  Had a "congratulations, you're moving to another law firm" celebration for a coworker.

Spoiler Free Plot
An exorcist gets called it to exorcise a ghost from an archive.  I feel like his landlord/friend is going to end up beign a bigger character later in the series but that's for another time.  As he tries to figure out what is going down with this ghost he starts to suspect a pimp, a member of the library archive and another exocist.  There's also a few people who work at the archive: Cheryl (who's sweet, but sassy,), Rich (who' basically the normal one), Jon (the guy who in high school would have sat in the corner by himself in all black) and the two supervisors.  Shit goes down.  As always.  This is a fun read because while things are life-threatening the book doesn't try to make you think he's going to die at every corner.  Also, it seems like the way the exorcisms happen are personal to the exorcist which isnt' something I woudl have expected (this is slightly out of the range of what I normally read, but...)  It follows a fairly normal paranormal plotline where things start minor and increase in scope but it doesn't get irritating to see how the scope increases.

Spoiler plot:

I would probably give this book a 3.5 out of 5 shots.  It's nothing particuarly new or groudbreaking within it'sgenre but I liked it better than other intstances of this genre (mainly the Dresden Files book - the second book was so tiring and I can't quite describe why...)

I'm having trouble coming up with a  drink for this book.  Mostly'I'm trying to come up with a type of alcohol that only works for a short period of time.  I was happy with the end of the book until it was over at which point I started to look back and it... this is vodka cranberry.  The most basic drink becuase you don't feel like drinking beer or wine but you want something simple that you don't have to think about and you sometimes but don't always regret it in the mornig... is that a good description?

I want to make it clear, I am reading the next book in this series (at least it's on my to read list, no promises that I'll get there).  I'm just not sure it was as satisvying an end as it could have been.  But then again,I'm just glad that death wasn't around every corner, even if dismembermenet was!

As always, happy readings,


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